Congregational Life at Beautiful Savior
Join our life of following Christ. Loving and being loved by God takes place in worship. Growing as disciples of Jesus happens through discipleship practices and education classes. Serving in the name of Jesus is where we use our hands to join God in his work.

Worship is the most important thing we do as a congregation. It is where God meets us to sustain us for our lives of ministry as disciples of Jesus. It is where God molds us and shapes us for the rest of the week.
What should I wear to worship?
Wear clothes. People here look like cowboys, business women, school kids, and retirees. Some people wear suits, most folks don't. Some people wear jeans, others wear skirts.
Where should I park?
The parking lot is located on the south side of the campus. Parking is free.
Is there a nursery?
Yes, a nursery is provided on Sunday mornings, and a volunteer will be arranged to care for children as needed. An usher or greeter will gladly walk you to and from the nursery (located in the Education wing) to help you get situated.
Can visitors receive communion?
Yes! We practice communion of the baptized, so all who are baptized - no matter the Christian tradition within which they are baptized - are welcome to receive communion. In communion we receive the real presence of Jesus. This is his body and blood shed for you for the forgiveness of your sins. If you are not comfortable receiving communion please come forward and ask for a blessing.
What time should I get there? Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before worship begins. That way you have time to get settled before things start.
What happens in worship:
Liturgy, the Word is proclaimed, sacraments administered.
Congregation is energized, smiling faces, expectant of transcendence, sing/participate boldly.
Worship leadership all around is intentional, high quality and inspiring; Pastor, Musicians, Lay leaders.
Multiple leaders are used for music and liturgy.
Preaching is engaging, challenging, biblical, Lutheran.
Worship Leaders: Click here for the Worship Jobs PDF document.

Daily discipleship
Everyone is encouraged to adopt daily faith practices to use individually and with those closest to them (family or friends). You might pray at meals or when you wake up. With your whole family, try doing the FAITH5 ( before you go to bed at night. Read the Bible or a devotional like Christ in our Home which is available in the welcome center at Beautiful Savior.
Discipleship Groups
Sunday School - meets on Sunday mornings at 8:30am (adult option) & 10:45am (options for all ages) with programming for children, youth, and adults.
Youth Group - meets Sunday mornings at 10:45am in large and small group, and monthly outside of Sunday mornings.
Men's Group - meets the third Saturday morning of the month at 8:30am for breakfast, fellowship, and a program.
Martha's Circle - Women's bible study meets the second Monday of the month at 9:30am in the church library.

Call the office to plug in 359.9483.
Texas Ramp Project
Beautiful Savior has an active ramp building team. Participants in this ministry project help the less mobile with accessing the home more easily. For more information visit
Food Pantry
Referral by a local social service agency is the primary way to access the Food Pantry. The Food Pantry is also open to the public on Wednesday mornings from 10 a.m. – noon.
Snack Pak 4 Kids
We pack and deliver Snack Packs every month, we need your help to feed kids. Beautiful Savior’s Men’s group is also actively feeding five children each month. Learn more at
Sewing Group
Volunteers meet at 6:30 pm on Mondays to sew cancer caps, stuff pillows for Harrington Cancer Center and other seasonal projects. On the job training available!
Meals on Wheels
BSLC volunteers pick up meals at BSA hospital at 10:45 a.m. and then promptly deliver them to our 8-10 clients. We always need new drivers to help deliver meals.